Monday, January 16, 2017

Selfie nation (Day 11) - 20 Days of Chill

The selfie photo has become ubiquitous over the last couple of years.  I know I'm as guilty as the next person for posting selfies, but I've also found that I've been looking at my selfies recently, I've found that I like what I see.

For the most part, I see a person who's out and about, not making duck faces at the camera in my bathroom.  If I look at them chronologically, I see a person who has lost weight over the last couple of years, yet still needs to lose some more.  That's a motivating factor.  If I don't like what I see, then my job is to fix it, which is what I've been trying to do over the past couple of year.  I've been using my Fitbit religiously, making sure I get my 10,000 daily steps.  Some days, which are usually few and far between, I'm unsuccessful in that goal, but I'm a work in progress.  

I feel I'm in better shape now, so I keep doing it.  I hiked over 3 miles yesterday and wasn't even winded when I was done.  That's a good thing.  My goal is to lose another 15 to 20 pounds.  I think if I lose half of that the next year, that will also be a good thing.

In my mind, most selfies seem to be pretty silly.  My selfies have a different purpose, at least for me.


  1. you have fairy good reasins to use selfie, which I say it's good thing.

    have a lovely day.

  2. That's a wonderful purpose!
    I like that you're taking charge instead of whining. Keep up the great work!
    20 pounds need to disappear from my body as well. I've been doing low carb and two workouts a week so far. I miss my bread and chocolate!

    1. Today was my hiking day. Over 11 miles, then I came home and mowed the lawn. I got a good workout today.

  3. How awesome for you to be able to take selfies of yourself losing weight! That is an AMAZING accomplishment.... !!!! I need to get out hiking more. That is what I usually do in the winter but haven't had much time. I need to plan!

  4. I like your take on selfies. I tend to take more selfies if i know I've lost a bit of weight. They are a good way to document your journey through life and people are not always around to take the shot. You certainly look well and happy in your selfie with the landscape behind you.

  5. It's great that you can use your selfies for such a good purpose. The picture in this post shows you in a beautiful setting, another good reason!

    1. Those are the hills and mountains behind my house. Pretty much my backyard.
