Friday, January 2, 2015

New Challenges

Followers of this blog know that I love a good challenge.  Challenges in geocaching keep my interest fresh, especially when one has been geocaching almost 14 years as I have.  I participate in P.J.'s monthly photo blogging challenge and have posted something almost every month for his challenge.  If I slack in that challenge, it's usually in the summertime.  Not sure why since I usually have more time, but maybe that's the rub there.  I've noticed that I seem to actually write more on this blog when I don't have as much free time.  Go figure that one out if you can.

P.J. has come up with a new challenge for bloggers to try and I'm going to give it a go.  It's what he calls the 20 days of Chill Writing Challenge.  Each weekday, during the month of January, anyone who wishes to participate is supposed to write on a particular topic/theme for that day.  The list of themes for the 20 days can be seen by clicking the link I posted at the beginning of this paragraph.

The challenge begins on Monday, January 5th.  I guess that's right up my alley since it will be the day I go back to work after a nice long 16 day hiatus.  No free time left, which means I'll have plenty of time to blog right?  We'll see how this goes.  First topic for Monday is Spilled Milk.  I have something in mind for that one, but some of the others, I'm not so sure whether I'll be able to stay on topic, or do one of my patented tangents that oh so narrowly sticks to the topic.  Either way, this should be fun.


  1. I am glad you'll be joining this, Paul. It truly is a cool way to meet and see new bloggers and challenge yourself at the same time. Because I'm hosting the linkup (and they are only live for a day or so), I'm trying to stay a few days ahead the whole month. We'll see how that goes!

    1. Thanks P.J. I can't guarantee that I'll stick it through, but I already have the first one written and ready to be published for tomorrow.
