Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Ten Hotdogs - Day 7 of the Chill

Ten hotdogs?  Seriously?  The prompt is ten hotdogs?  Or is it ten hot dogs?  It does bring up an interesting question that has never really seriously been answered, which is why I think it's the prompt in the first place.

Why is it that most packages of hot dogs are 10, while the packages of buns are 8?  I mean, to break even, you need 8 packs of hot dogs and 10 packs of buns so that you break even with the hot dog to bun ratio, but that's not really the end of your problems.  Unless it's the 4th of July and the fireworks are bursting over head, you're going to lose some of those buns because there's going to be a build up of mold.  Which means you need to buy more than 10 packs of buns.

Hot dogs on the other hand?  Yeah, they're not going to go bad.  Hot dogs are like McDonald's hamburgers.  Leave them out for months and with all of the preservatives in them, they're still going to have nothing growing on them.  Unless you buy Hebrew National hot dogs.  Those might mold up after awhile.

Ah, the heck with it.  Just open a can of chili, drop two hot dogs on an open bun, pour about a third of the can of chili over the top, the drop your favorite cheese on top of the chili.  Heat and eat.  Tomorrow, ride 10 miles on your bike, because it's going to feel like you ate 10 hot dogs by that time and you're probably good to go.  But if you do that twice, then you'll have exactly the right number of buns left over for the rest of those hot dogs.

Except then, you'll have extra chili.  OK.  So instead of dropping a third of can, drop half a can.  It's all good at this point.


  1. I really love hot dogs... the ones that crunch. But I can't remember the last time I ate one... the whole health thing.... but now after this subject I really REALLY want one!

    1. I agree. Hot dogs are good, but it's probably been 6 months since I've eaten one.

  2. I know they aren't the healthiest of foods, but I love them. And it's definitely not been six months. Hahaha.

    Good one here, Paul. I'll try not to think about what I'd have to do to lose one Dog!

    1. Don't get me wrong. I love Hot dogs, just don't see them very often at home. Now, if I bought the groceries, it probably would be a staple in the fridge.

  3. I'm pretty sure I've seen hot dogs turn for the worst a little sooner than what you're saying. Summer was a while ago, but I recall last year having far too many leftover hot dogs in my refrigerator from various barbecues. Hot dogs may be made of the most disgusting byproducts ever, but they're still susceptible to mold. And just for the record, they're delicious.
